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过 guo

Home Pinyin guo

不过 bùguò but; nonetheless

不过如此 bùguò rúcǐ but so

不好过 bù hǎoguò not good

擦肩而过 cā jiān érguò pass by

超过 chāoguò exceed; exceeded; exceeding; exceeds; outpace; outpaced; outstrip

冲过 chōngguò pass through

穿过 chuānguò through

从未有过 cóng wèi yǒuguò never had

错过 cuòguò let slip; miss; missed

大过 dàguò greater than

倒过来 dào guòlái reversed

度过 dùguò spend

渡过 dùguò spend over

翻过 fānguò turn over

反过来 fǎn guòlái in turn

放过 fàngguò let go

改过 gǎiguò changed

过半 guòbàn more than half

过不去 guòbuqù make life difficult for

过程 guòchéng process

过错 guòcuò fault

过道 guòdào aisle; aisles

过冬 guòdōng winter

过度 guòdù over; overdo; overshooting

过渡 guòdù transition; transitional; transitions

过多 guòduō excessive; overrepresented; plethora

过分 guòfèn excessive; overly; overstressed; undue

过份 guòfèn unduly

过高 guò gāo prohibitive; too high

过关 guòguān pass

过过 guò guò passed

过后 guòhòu after

过火 guòhuǒ over fire

过期 guòqí expired

过节 guòjié festival

过界 guòjiè overspill

过境 guòjìng transit

过客 guòkè passer-by

过来 guòlái come

过冷 guòlěng supercooled

过量 guòliàng excess; overdose; surfeit

过路 guòlù crossing; crossings

过滤 guòlǜ filter; filtered; filtering; filtration; leach; percolate

过马路 guò mǎlù cross the road

过敏 guòmǐn allergies; allergy; irritations

过敏性 guòmǐn xìng allergic

过年 guònián new year

过期 guòqī expires

过去 guòqù elapsed; past

过热 guòrè overheat; overheated; overheating; superheated

过人 guò rén pass people

过日子 guòrìzi live

过生日 guò shēngrì birthday

过剩 guòshèng excess; superfluity

过失 guòshī fault; gaffe

过时 guòshí obsolescence; obsolete; passe

过头 guòtóu over the head

过网 guòwǎng wheeling

过往 guòwǎng past

过眼云烟 guòyǎnyúnyān over the clouds

过夜 guòyè overnight

过瘾 guòyǐn enjoyable

过于 guòyú excessively; too

过早 guò zǎo too early

过长 guò zhǎng too long

好过 hǎoguò better

悔过 huǐguò repented

接过 jiēguò take over

经过 jīngguò after

看过 kànguò seen

跨过 kuàguò cross over

流过 liúguò flow past

掠过 lüèguò flit; pass over; skirting

没有过 méiyǒuguò never had

莫过于 mò guòyú nothing more than

难过 nánguò sad

饶过 ráoguò harrying

绕过 ràoguò bypassed; bypassing; circumventing; circumvents

闪过 shǎn guò flashed

胜过 shèngguò outweigh

刷过 shuāguò brush-off

睡过头 shuì guòtóu oversleep

太过 tàiguò too much

跳过 tiàoguò jump over; skipped

通过 tōngguò adopting; by; endorsed; pass; passed; passing; through; via

投过 tóuguò cast-off

透过 tòuguò through

醒过来 xǐng guò lái wake up

游过 yóuguò swum

越过 yuèguò crossed

只不过 zhǐ bùguò only

走过 zǒuguò traversed

走过来 zǒu guòlái come over

罪过 zuìguò guilty; sins

Copyright (c) 2021 David Pearce